The parish council is delighted that following some considerable time campaigning with the former NBC/ NCC and subsequently WNC, we have been notified of progress on this matter
The current footpath along The Green, from Lime Farm Way, but falling short of leys lane, created a particular inconvenience and risk too pedestrians, especially those with mobility issues.
To gain access to our playing field and village hall, requires crossing over the road at the end of the footpath and then crossing back again at the junction of Leys Lane next to a blind bend with traffic entering the village from a unrestricted speed road.
The parish council fully supports this extension but is seeking that the drawing be amended to extend the footpath further into Leys Lane in order to cover the area that WNC have already committed to resurface the entrance of Leys Lane. It is hoped that this resurfacing work will be carried out as a priority once WNC receives its new improved resurfacing machine.
Click on the following link for further information: Fooitpath Extension 20230609_19240625