WNC Unitary Council Consultation on 2024/25 Budget

Here’s a link to our press release: Your money, Your say: the Council is looking for your views on 2024/25 budget proposals | West Northamptonshire Council (westnorthants.gov.uk)


How You Can Get Involved:

The draft budget proposals are open for public feedback until midnight on Tuesday, 23 January. We encourage you to share your views by completing the survey on our Consultation hub. The survey is accessible online, and free copies are available at libraries across West Northants. If you require the survey in an alternative format, please contact us at haveyoursay@westnorthants.gov.uk or by calling 0300 126 7000.


Resources to Support Your Engagement:

To amplify the reach of our consultation, we’ve prepared a toolkit with resources, including social media posts and posters. Your active involvement in spreading the word will contribute to ensuring that the voices of residents, businesses, and community groups are well-represented. Please access the toolkit here.


Should you have any questions, please let me know.


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